Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Yep. This cavegirl is going primal. Well, there's really all sorts of names for this way of eating, but I like primal best. Basically, it's eating how our ancestors long ago did. This means low carb, yes, but I will be getting plenty of fruits and veggies, just no grains. I've been poring over so much information on this, and it seems to just feel right and it 'clicked' with my brain. I will be eating plenty of animal too. This may turn off some readers and I totally respect that. It is a huge turnaround from the direction I was headed. I'm looking in to buying all grass-fed pastured beef and fowl.

I have read the science. I can point to several blogs that get all sorts of scientifical about the topic. Mark Sisson has a great one that a lot of people read, Mark's Daily Apple. Anyone interested in checking it out should start there. I'm not going to debate on end with anyone or try to 'convert' people. I'm just honestly too lazy for that! But I will be moving this blog to a wordpress blog, and if you want to follow me there, I heartily welcome all of you to check out this crazy chica's adventures! Primal Dawn.

I know this is a big turn off for some, so that's why I decided to move the blog. I don't expect everyone to follow and this is a chance to start over, clean and fresh! My workouts have changed as well. Lots of bodyweight stuff, less cardio. And yes, I've lost some weight, but I know for a fact it's just water weight right now. But changes are happening and I'm loving it. I'm sleeping, for one. Another thing is I seem to have a ton more energy! I was cleaning the house a lot yesterday, and I didn't even pass out on the couch at 8 like I always do, then wake up two or three times during the night. I slept all through the night last night and didn't go to bed til 10:30. I don't need my morning coffee, either. Do I want it out of habit? Sure, and sometimes I'll have a cup (with stevia still, thanks Sie!).

So, that's the latest and the greatest for me. I will still be reading my CR blogs, and as a matter of fact, CR is actually possible with this plan as well. So I'll be focusing on eating right and still counting those calories. What amazes me is that I can eat in the morning and now I don't feel hungry or like I'm battling hunger all day. I just fuel up, then forget about it til the afternoon. I'm not snacking or constantly thinking about my next meal. I feel free from food obsessing. I was honestly eating 5 or 6 times a day with my quasi-veggie-raw approach, and still feeling hungry. Now, I just eat my breakfast and am satisfied for hours on end. Sweet freedom!

If you feel like checking out some of the primal sites, I will be linking to them over at Primal Dawn. I do think that my readers and I have developed a mutual respect, so I'd love to see what you think, even if you disagree! I am not much of a debater, I'll leave that to others, but I will still find your thoughts interesting and worthy, be they cheering me on or shaking head in shame:)

Signing off now....Dawn.


  1. Aww - that's awesome. Can't wait to read the new adventures. Post your food when you get a moment - would love to check 'em out!

  2. OMG, I've been doing Primal too!!!
    I've found that it's so similar to the way I was CRON-ing back in 2006, but much much easier, more natural. More 'ON' than 'CR'. I've yet to blog about it, but will eventually.
    I'll be keeping tabs on your Primal journey... Can't wait to read more. :)

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